What a person believes determines how they behave.  The way you respond to people, triggers and situations are all based on your personal learning history. Learning how to get healing from the root of those areas is where we start, navigating new healthy thought patterns is where we will go.

I'm a Mindset Coach
& Behavioral Analyst


A Healthy mindset and taking thoughts captive requires intentionality of pulling down those things which are not the things God says about you.  A lie will often sound like your own thoughts because it is hidden within the crevices of your mind based on the experiences of your learning history.  My goal is to provide you the tools to transform your ways of thinking,  get healing in all areas of your life, body, soul and spirit.  Our behaviors are birthed out of what we believe to be true, and how we interact and respond to others and our overall relationships, whether in our work or family, are a response of what we believe to be true.


my Mission is to help you Break free from Toxic Patterns of Thinking
and Behavior

Years ago, I suffered a loss that ripped to the core of my heart. I searched for books and information of how to get past the pain and brokenness. When I couldn’t find information on how to get my heart and mind past the trauma, I buried the pain deep and moved on from there.  The problem with burying things is that they find a way to surface through triggers and you find yourself responding from a place of doubt, fear and pain.  Without realizing it, you have a new normal, a new learning history that shapes all of your future behaviors and beliefs.  It wasn’t until I received emotional healing that my mindset shifted, and with a renewed mind I was able to respond to triggers and people for a healthy place.  It was a process of renewing my mind, being intentional with my thoughts and taking the negative one’s captive.  I now know which are the lies and which are the truths and when I‘m navigating triggers, transition, or looking to step into the next area of growth.  I know how to navigate my heart, mind, body and spirit from a place of truth.   And so can you! 

My Why and
My Passion...


I'm Passionate about Helping women navigate Healthy Mindsets

We become what we behold and the limiting beliefs we fix our attention on become the lies that become the faulty truth that compounds over time.  Getting to the root of those lies is the first step, renewing your mindset is next and creating healthy systems that become part of your beliefs, which in turn shapes your identity is the goal. 

What would it look like to be the person God created you to be?